Tuesday, May 24, 2011

CSB #8: Muscle Strength: Human Physiology Experiment

How are muscles of the forearm and hand affected by different temperatures of water, including ice water, warm water (50ºC), and room temperature(16ºC) water?
By: Jackie An, Gabi Gupta, Vivian Isenberg, Emma Malysz

Have you ever been out on a cold day and realized that it is difficult to open a door and carry all of your books and pencils? Doesn’t it feel easier to do this when it is warm outside? We hypothesized that the warmer the temperature, the higher the force, but we decided to test it. By using the Vernier dynamometer, shown on the right, we were able to measure the force released by our hand grip. We placed both dominant and non-dominant hands in a one liter bucket of water for 30 seconds and gripped the device for 15 seconds, exerting as much force as possible, measuring the difference in the muscle patterns. We set up three different buckets, each containing a different temperature of water. The first has ice water (0ºC), the second had room temperature (16ºC), and the last contained warm water (50ºC). Before conducting the experiment, all four of us believed that the force of the right-hand placed in warm water would result in the strongest force, as it was our dominant hands and the warmest environment. We thought that the warmer temperatures would relax the muscles, giving us the highest results. Also, we felt the weakest would be the left hand in cold water, as it was our non-dominant hand in the coldest environment.

First, our group, all right handed, put our right hands into the bucket of ice water. Despite many complaints from the group members, each of us managed to survive the 30 seconds in the ice water. Each of us felt that it was extremely difficult to apply force to the hand grip, as our hands were all freezing. The graph on the right shows Jackie in red, Gabi in blue, Vivian in green, and Emma in orange. Jackie’s maximum force was 106.8 N, Gabi’s was 145.3 N, Vivian’s was was 178.3 N, and Emma’s was 180.9 N. Similarly to what we believed, we received different results while doing the left hand, which is shown on the left. Vivian actually surpassed her previous force, with her maximum force becoming 190.7 N. Gabi, Jackie, and Emma’s all decreased.

After the ice experiment, each of the team members waited for exactly 6 minutes before putting their hands in the 16ºC water. Same as before, each of us tested our right hands first. The colors and their matching person are the same as mentioned above. However this time, Vivian’s maximum force was the strongest, 184.7 N, followed by Jackie, 153.4 N, then Gabi, 152.6 N, and finally Emma, 129.9 N. Then, we tested the left hand, which had different results as well. Once again, Vivian’s left hand was stronger than her right, with a maximum force of 187.1 N. Jackie, Gabi, and Emma received almost identical results to their right hand, yet each of them had larger drops. This suggests that they could not hold the strength for as long as they could with the right hand. If you look at the two graphs, you can see drops in all four of the members, but in the graph on the left, the drops are much larger and much more frequent.

Finally, our group tested our hands in the 50ºC water. We hypothesized that the best results would come from the right hand placed in the warm water. Once again, Vivian had the most force, with the maximum as 209.0 N. This was her strongest trial by over 25. This time, Jackie was the second strongest, with a maximum as 191.0 which was also her strongest. Following Jackie was Emma, whose force was 183.2, another personal best. Last was Gabi, who had her strongest of 177.7 N. All four of the group members had the strongest results during this trial. Next, we tested the left hand. Emma’s was 200.9 N, Vivian’s was 160.5 N, Jackie’s was 169.1 N, and finally, Gabi’s was 114.3 N. Emma’s left hand in the hot water resulted in her highest score during the experiment, whereas the other three approached their average score.

After graphing the results, we found the average and made graphs. The following graph shows the all of the right hand results and the averages. Vivian had the highest average (190.67 N), then Emma (164.67 N), then Gabi (158.53 N), and finally Jackie (150.4 N). The averages from our left hand show that Emma’s, Vivian’s, and Gabi’s forces were all slightly less on their left hand, even though Emma and Vivian received their highest on their left hand. Jackie’s was slightly higher. The highest score for Emma was her left hand, warmest experiment, and her weakest was her right hand, room temperature water. The highest score for Jackie was her right hand, warm water, and her weakest was her right hand, cold water. Gabi’s strongest was her right hand, warm water, and her weakest was her left hand, warm water. Vivian’s strongest was her right hand warm water, and her weakest was her left hand, warm water. Three out of four members had their strongest test with their dominant hand in the warm water, which is what we originally thought. However, before we believed that the weakest results would be the left hand cold water, but 50% of the group had their weakest results while their left hand was in warm water. This result may be because our hands were tired at this point. If we had more time to conduct this experiment, our results may have varied and been closer to our hypothesis. Our experiment explored the realms of biology, particularly the muscular system. It also involves some facts about homeostasis and body temperature. While in a different environment, the muscles proved to act differently, which is what we were testing in the first place. We believe this experiment is great for aspiring scientists or anyone who is curious about muscle and their relationship to different extreme temperatures. If you ever do this experiment or something related to muscle strength and temperature, we would love to hear from you!

*all forces are shown in Newtons (N)

Monday, May 9, 2011

CSB7: Heart Tissue

Recently, researchers from Columbia have discovered a way of repairing a damaged heart. They discovered that using a tissue-engineering platform allows the heart tissue to go through self-repair. Gordana Vukjak-Novakovic is a professor of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University’s Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied science. He led a research project in which many researchers developed a method of cell therapy that treats myocardial infraction, which is the heart damage that follows a heart attack. They were finally able to use both human repair cells and improve blood flow to the damaged tissue. By using this method, they were able to keep the cells in the damaged area as opposed to the massive cell loss associated with infusion of cells alone.

The Columbia Engineering team then removed the cells of the myocardium, the muscle part of the cell, which left a protein platform. They filled the platform with mesenchymal progenitors, human stem cells that can differentiate into many cell types, then applied the patches to damaged heart tissue. The patches ignited the growth of new blood vessels and proteins which helped the tissue to repair itself.

Now that this method of heart repair has been discovered, when will it be used? Many other questions arise with this new discovery. Dr. Vunjak-Novakovic’s team have many other research projects that further explore this concept. They have begun studying the formation of a cardiac patch by using human stem cells. Not only that, they are also studying the stem cells’ ability to “generate mechanical force and electrical conduction, and how these functions can be modulated by in-vitro culture.” This is a huge leap in medical technology, as this could eventually lead to the cure of cardiovascular disease, one of the most serious health conditions. Dr. Vunjak Novakovic said that “This platform is very adaptable and we believe it could be readily extended to the delivery of other types of human stem cells we are interested in to rebuild the heart muscle and further our research of the mechanisms underlying heart repair.”

Source: "Engineers Patch a Heart: Tissue-Engineering Platform Enables Heart Tissue to Repair Itself." Science Daily. N.p., 7 May 2011. Web. 9 May 2011. .

Thursday, April 7, 2011

CSB #6: From Bone Marrow to Skin

(green are bone marrow cells, red are skin cells)

Earlier this week, researchers at King's College London and Osaka University in Japan have discovered specific bone marrow cells that can transform into skin tissue. Before this startling discovery, it was indeed known that bone marrow cells could turn into skin tissue. But, the group of cells was never specified, how they evolved, and what triggered the reaction.

Using mice with skin wounds for an experiment, they had one group that had skin grafting and one group that didn't. In the group that did not, the researchers noticed a very few amount of bone marrow cells traveling to heal it. The other group, however, had a much higher number of bone marrow cells at the wound. The researchers later came to a conclusion that 1 in every 450 bone marrow cells has the ability to transform into a skin cell. In addition to that, the researchers also found what triggered the bone marrow cells to transform. When skin is damaged, it releases a protein called HMGB1. This protein direct the bone marrow cells to where they are required.

This type of discovery will have a huge impact on medicine, as treating skin wounds has costed patients millions of dollars each year. People with chronic wounds and skin diseases would greatly benefit from this kind of treatment. Patients in the future will probably heal much faster than today. Some questions brought up were making HMGB1 a drug that patients could take. Then, where would they get this protein? Would it be harmful or have side effects? When will it be available as treatment? Because this is such a recent discovery, these questions have yet to be answered.

King's College London. "Bone marrow cells that transform into skin cells could revolutionize approach to wound treatment." ScienceDaily 5 Apr. 2011. Web. 7 Apr. 2011.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

CSB #5: Could you have HPV and not know?

Recent studies show that the human papillomavirus virus, known to be the cause of cervical cancer in women, has been found to be present in many men. There are many different forms of HPV, and over 40 are transmitted sexually. Two types of HPV are very dangerous and our cancerous, and the two vaccines that can protect women from this are Merck’s Gardasil and GlaxoSmithKline’s Cervarix.
A study on more than 4,000 middle aged men showed that more than 50 perfect were infected with one kind of HPV. The immune system is capable of getting rid of the virus, but it takes an average of 7.5 months, and in some extreme cases, 2 years. Because HPV cannot be detected by oneself, it is very prevalent in men.
A few ways to prevent HPV infections are having only one lifelong sex partner or abstinence until marriage. Condoms are not very effective in preventing HPV from spreading, but the vaccines are helpful.
Could this mean there are other STI's that are unnoticeable in our bodies? There are many diseases that infect millions of people that go unnoticed until at a fatal stage.


Seppa, Nathan. "Half Of Adult Males Carry HPV." Science News. N.p., 28 Feb.
2011. Web. 3 Mar. 2011.

Image: http://www.ansci.wisc.edu/jjp1/ansci_repro/misc/project_websites_07/tue07/HPV_Vaccine/What%20is%20HPV.html

Sunday, January 9, 2011

CSB #4: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban


werewolf - a person who has the ability of transforming into a wolf

animagus - a wizard or witch who is capable of assuming the shape of an animal


In the third Harry Potter book, Harry meets his godfather Sirius Black who was a prisoner in Azkaban for being accused of committing the murder of Peter Pettigrew. Sirius Black escapes out of Azkaban and comes to Hogwarts to kill Peter. Harry's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Lupin, is an old friend of Black's and helps him capture Peter. After they capture Pettigrew, Lupin, who is a werewolf, sees a full moon and turns into a werewolf. When Lupin sees the full moon, his whole body first grows rigid, and then he starts shaking. His head and body lengthen, and his shoulders hunch. Hair starts to grow on his face and hands, and his hands turn into clawed paws. Within all the chaos, Peter who is an animagus is able to change into a rat and escape.


Werewolves, I think, are very rare and only transform on a full moon. I think the full moon gives off rays that only effect those with the werewolf gene. When the rays are absorbed by the werewolf, the gene that makes the hair grow suddenly is activated as well as the other genes that transform the werewolf from a human form into a werewolf. Not only are the physical characteristics changed, when a werewolf transforms, he has no control over his thoughts and will try to bite any human he can find, even if it is his own best friend. I think this is because of the adrenaline rush, and the werewolf's thoughts are uncontrollable.


1. How, if possible at all, can a werewolf learn to control his mania to bite humans?
2. Is it possible for scientists to engineer a gene to build an actual werewolf?


Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. N.p.: Arthur A. Levine Books, 1999. Print.

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