Placenta - an organ that connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall to allow nutrient uptake, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply
Fetus – a developing mammal that is after the embryonic stage and before birth
Studies done show that some mammals develop twice as fast in the mothers’ womb as others. Scientists think this difference is because of the way the placenta is structured. The closer the tissues of the mother and the fetus are, the faster the process of pregnancy. Humans do not have complex placenta structures, like dogs and leopards do, which is the reason we have longer pregnancies. The placenta performs the same functions and roles in most mammals, but are structured differently among different species of mammals. A team of researchers studied the lengths of pregnancies depending on the structure of the placenta. Their results found that the placentas in different mammals have some striking differences.
I think this will lead to a whole new branch of research on trying to manipulate the lengths of pregnancy. I chose this article because I think the process of pregnancy is interesting. If the length of pregnancy can be adjusted at all, I think this would be very helpful. Women go through a lot of trouble and pain when they’re pregnant, and shortening that time would mean more freedom and less hardship for women. This relates to my life because maybe I will also be pregnant one day and if research has been extensive enough, I could possibly have a shorter pregnancy.
1. How, if at all can scientists manipulate the length of pregnancy?
2. Will evolution change how long women are pregnant?
"Length of Pregnancy Influenced by Placenta Structure." Science Daily. N.p., 17 Nov. 2010. Web. 18 Nov. 2010. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/ 11/101116203438.htm